See the lights


Last evening, Mrs. Lefty and I made the annual Christmastime trip out to the Cheekwood Botanical Garden to see the Christmas lights. The place is always done up spectacularly. They outdo themselves bit-by-bit each year, and this year was positively the best. We made it there for the 5 p.m. opening; it was almost completely dark when we arrived. We were literally the first ones in. There was a threat of rain, but it held off until after we left. It was mild but the wind was gusty. It was perfect for a windbreaker, but no more. (I felt slightly cheated. I always want it to be frigid.) Still, it was a quite pleasant evening. The crowd was small (owing to the early hour and the rainy forecast). Taking outdoor snapshots of Christmas lights is tricky with a smartphone, but I captured several that are worth sharing.

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