Friday ramblings

The 9th Circuit Court ruling suspending President Trump’s temporary and limited ban on immigrants from nations that harbor terrorists is a win for liberalism, a win for the Democrat Party, and a win for jihadists. This is how the Democrat Party has aligned itself. It’s also a reminder that the swamp is inhabited by many creatures and it will take a long time to drain it.

There is one thing on which Democrats & Republicans wholeheartedly agree. We both want Elizabeth Warren to be the Democrat nominee for president in 2020.

The trouble with being a fan of both Rush Limbaugh and Rush the band is that people sometimes get confused about who I’m referring to.

Elizabeth Warren got shut down on the Senate floor on Tuesday. Some conservatives wish she would have been allowed to talk. Like Hillary, she’s far more damaging to herself when speaking than when silent. Instead, she got Mitch-slapped.

Citizens of foreign nations do not have Constitutuional rights. Liberals do not understand this.

Speaking of Rush, I wish Rush would record just one more album.

I also wish I had a magic remote control that could silence people who talk too much and/or too loud.

I don’t envision myself ever buying another iPad. I could be wrong, but the one I am currently using is three years old, does everything I need it to do, but the current iPhone technology makes even the iPad seem antiquated. And that’s not a putdown of the iPad. It’s a testament to the iPhone.

Pitchers and catchers report to spring training in three days.

For the 2nd year in a row, the Memphis Tigers have 7 home football games in 2017, including a visit from UCLA. I did not purchase season tickets last year after purchasing them each of the two previous years. I may be buying season tickets again this time.

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