Not quite autumn, not quite winter (a miscellany)


It snowed today. It snowed all day, in fact, but the temperature hovered just above freezing so it made everything wet, but not icy, thank goodness. The weather outside was quite frightful; a stout northwest wind did not help. But it was a treat to sit inside and watch the flakes come down, sometimes quite heavily, sometimes hardly at all.

I don’t know what’s going to happen with the election, but I do know that clock is ticking and something has to be done quickly. I find that I am able maintain sufficient awareness of day-to-day news headlines via Parler. It helps that OANN has joined. I know about the court challenges, the investigations going on in various states, the statistical irregularities regarding the vote. (I am aware of these things, but I really don’t discuss them at length here because the implications are too distressing.) There’s no question in my mind that President Trump won this election and the Democrats are trying to steal it. They’ll do their best to steal those two Georgia Senate seats, too, in order to complete their trifecta.

Rush Limbaugh was out yesterday. He was supposed to return for one day only; this is his “treatment week,” where he typically hosts on Monday, then takes off most or all of the remainder of the week for his cancer treatment. He was on the air last Monday and Tuesday, then took the rest of the week off for Thanksgiving. I worry about him, even though he does his best to put on a brave face while on their air. I suspect his reality is far more trying than what he lets on.

I don’t know what’s going to happen to the country, but I have a feeling that it’s never going to be the same after 2020. Even if President Trump ends up being properly recognized as the winner of last month’s election, it will never be the same again. The faux pandemic caused by the China virus has really messed us up as a society. I would like to think that at some point we’ll go back to the way it was before, but that’s just wishful thinking at this point. Government officials — both elected and unelected — as well as the mainstream media have learned how to control the masses. And Democrats have learned how to leverage the pandemic to thwart the will of the people at the polls. So both our reaction to pandemics going forward and the validity of our elections will never be the same again. I regret what has been done, but I’m prepared for it.

With all that said, to quote the great Louis Armstrong, what a wonderful world.

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